Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Summons

I received a jury summons in the mail ab0ut a month ago. This is the third time since we've moved here that I've been summoned, but I've always called the night before I was to appear and my groups wasn't required to come. So this time when I called I was disappointed to hear that I actually had to go downtown to the courthouse. I was sitting in the huge waiting room with a few hundred other people, watching a video about the process when they paused the video to call 65 people out of the room as possible jurors for a trial. Lucky me was number 20. I was hoping that meant I would be quickly disqualified as a juror and sent home...but it wasn't to be. After several hours of questioning, I was chosen as juror #4 for a criminal trial. Unfortunately I had a full week of appointments and other plans so I spent my nights making phone calls trying to find babysitters and cancelling appointments. After a very hectic and exhausting couple of days, the trial has ended. Not only did I get to see first-hand how juries are chosen and a criminal trial works, but I also learned how truly fortunate I am. Both the defendant and the victim had really sad stories to tell. It was really hard to decide the fate of the defendant. It was a good learning experience, but I'm glad that I can't be chosen again for at least 2 years.


Anonymous said...

I have always been courious to go through the whole process but everytime I get a summons it is really bad timing. However now that I have kids is it ever easy? The last time I got a summons I was nursing and they let me off for that. It is nice to know you are off the hook for two years.

Kearl said...

Knock on wood, but I've never been called, and I secretly hope that I never am. I couldn't imagine trying to clear my schedule with kids for a couple of days. Glad you made the most of it.

Ginger and Gregg said...

Luckily I have gotten out of 2 summons, one for nursing and one for moving here. I bet it was a good learning experience though. Anyways, can't wait to see you guys next week! We'll be calling you soon.

Brandi Jo said...

I was chosen to be on a jury as soon as I was 18. I got chosen for a case that had 13 counts of child molestation and rap... scary! It was by far the hardest thing I have ever done. I had to be someone's judge. I have mercy for those individuals that have to judge us in the end. I am just glad it is not me!

Summer said...

Hi Carli! I actually got a summons about 3 months ago and was really nervous about it until I called the number about hardships...on the back. As soon as I explained that I had 5 children and would need to get babysitting situated...she asked if I was a "stay at home" mom. She said all you have to do is send or fax your summons in saying "stay at home"! And you will be dismissed! FYI for future:) But it does sound like you learned a lot!

Labrum Family said...

Wow, I bet that was interesting. How come I didn't know that was going on?