Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Living in the "Big House"

As many of you know,we recently moved to a new house (new to us anyway). We bought a foreclosure home just 3-4 miles from our old house. During the process of buying Addison and I had to make frequent trips to the new house to meet different people who were checking or fixing things. I found it hard to explain to a 2 year old what this new place was so we started calling it the "Big House" because it is so much bigger than our old house. We moved in about 3 weeks ago and only then did it occur to me that "Big House" didn't sound right, but the name has stuck. Addie still refuses to call this our house. It's still the "Big House". And big it is, but we are hoping to grow into it someday.

Family Room

Family Room from Kitchen

Master Bedroom

Empty Formal Dining Room

Empty Formal Living Room (someday this room will have a loveseat and piano)

Empty Loft area

Another view of the loft

My favorite room of the house, the big empty bonus room or "game room" as we call it.

Did you see a trend there at the end? A lot of empty rooms. I'm sure it will be that way for a while. But we are enjoying our new house and neighborhood, but miss our old friends. But we're not far away...
I know I didn't post a picture of my kitchen, but it would have taken too much effort to get it straightened enough to take a picture. I decided I had put off posting about the house long enough and we'd have to do without a picture of my kitchen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I overheard this conversation this morning between Addie and her favorite stuffed animal "white doggie" or "doggie".
"Moo, moo."
"Doggies don't say moo, doggie, doggies say woof."
"Say "moo" doggie. "Moo".
"Good job, doggie, good job."
Then she turned to her blanket.
"Say baa, blanket, say baa."
"Good job blanket. I'm so proud of you."
Not only does my child talk to her blanket, but she thinks it talks back to her and makes her very proud. What a funny girl.